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HomeProgram Planning

In League lingo, Program refers to the issues that we choose for concerted study, education and action at local, state and national levels. The Program Planning process is how we choose those issues and our method of deciding which public policy issues we should focus on for community education and advocacy. Program Planning is fundamental to the League's grassroots nature; each member has the opportunity to influence the selection of issues where the local, state, and national League will focus time, talent and money. 

Program Planning Meeting 2024-2025 

LWV of Palo Alto Local Program Priorities for League Year 2024-2025
League members will vote on the following priorities at their annual meeting in May 2024
Program planning is the League's process of selecting public policy issues for education and advocacy to move our mission forward.

LWVUS and LWV Palo Alto look to our grassroots members to help decide priority issues for education and advocacy in 2024-26 (LWVUS) and 2024–2025 (LWV Palo Alto).

LWVUS Program for 2024-26

The LWVUS Board recommends that the national program for 2024–2026 continue to be Campaign for Making Democracy Work®, which focuses on: voting rights; improving elections; money in politics; redistricting; and abolishing the Electoral College. The goal is to ensure a free, fair, and accessible electoral system for all voters at this critical time for our democracy.

What other crucial issues or new positions should our League recommend? Should we supportLWV Vermont's request for a new national position on health care privatization?  Our recommendations along with those from other Leagues will be considered by the LWVUS Board and presented at the biannual LWVUS Convention in June 2024.

LWV Palo Alto Program for 2024–25

Making Democracy Work®is a core mission of our League, ensuring fair and open elections, voting rights, and addressing money in politics.Other local priorities adopted at our May 2023 Annual Meeting include:
  • Affordable Housing for All Income Levels, with a focus on zoning reform, new financing models, and renter protections
  • Climate Action, with a focus on food waste and equitable conversion to electricity
  • Gun Violence Prevention, with a focus on community education
  • Local Campaign Finance Reform, with a focus on limiting contributions to $1000 and expanding disclosure of independent expenditures
  • Civics Education, with a focus on mentoring high school civics engagement programs (needs chair)
  • All issues viewed with a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens
Members will vote on whether these priority issues should continue for 2024-25, or whether new aspects of these issues or different issues should be added (remember to identify who will spearhead the new work).Recommendations will be presented at our Annual Meeting in May 2024.

Program Priorities 2023-2024

LWV of Palo Alto Local Program Priorities for League Year 2023-2024
Members affirmed our local league's priority issues of: 
  • Affordable Housing for All
  • Climate Change
  • Local Campaign Finance Reform
  • Civics Education
  • Gun Violence Prevention

Members also voiced a need to encourage community leaders to pursue and comply with comprehensive planning that results in equitable transportation and community services to sustain Palo Alto. These issues will be voted on at our annual meeting in May.  

State (LWVC) Program Planning 2023-2025

Members met on Feb. 11 for Program Planning and recommended that LWVC priority issues continue to be Housing/Homelessness, Climate Change, and Criminal Justice Reform. Our League also recommended updating the LWVC gun safety position; and a Housing focus on state forgivable loans to builders of low and moderate/workforce housing. Read LVWC Program Planning Response Form.

National (LWVUS) Program Planning 2022-2024
Learn about the 2022-2024 LWVUS Impact on Issues Program

How is Program Planning done?

National (LWVUS) Program Planning occurs in even-numbered years (2022, 2024, 2026). State (LWVC) Program Planning occurs in odd-numbered years (2021, 2023, 2025). The local League reviews programs and sets priorities once a year. The programs are formally adopted by member vote at annual meetings (local membership meeting, state convention and national convention).

We consider all issues through a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) lens. 
LWV of Palo Alto holds our local Program Planning meeting in the first quarter every year, when our members share their views on which issues matter the most and set priorities for the coming League year. Members vote on Issues for Emphasis, which are issues/topics adopted as program items on which to focus League efforts in the coming year. The League prioritizes issues that can have the greatest impact: those that are likely to come up in bills, the Governor’s agenda, or ballot measures. We select local priorities, which are presented for adoption at our Annual Meeting.

woman pointing at easel pads with program planning notes

Palo Alto - March for Families Chicago - LWVUS 2018

How does the League take action?

League Position: The League of Women Voters takes action on an issue only when we have a position addressing it. We develop a position on an issue through study and consensus by our members. Studies (whether local, state, or national) are a defined process during which we undertake thorough pursuit of facts and details, both positive and negative, and come to a consensus about policy.

Advocacy: The League uses its positions to advocate for policies, legislation and ballot measures which it believes would best serve the public interest and against proposals which are in conflict with those goals.
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