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HomeYouth Vote Team

Our mission is to register, educate, and motivate 100% of eligible Palo Alto teens to become lifelong voters. 
sneakers of person standing make

Youth Vote Team

young woman at voting booth
About Us

Who We Are: The Youth Vote Team includes adult and student members of the League of Women Voters. 

What We Do: We give voter registration presentations to local high schools.   View the media produced by our Youth Vote Team student participants. The Youth Vote Team meets monthly to develop plans to engage with students in the local high schools around voting issues. We plan classroom visits to register students to vote and provide voter education; develop get-out-the-vote messaging for use in classroom announcements, social media, and posters; and we collaborate to come up with ways to get students excited about voting. 

How to Join or Help the Team: Local students or adult League members interested in joining or helping the team should contact Voter Services Co-chairs  for more information.  

To find out more about our program objectives and curriculum, check out our team websites: LWV High School VR, VR Curriculum 2020/22
High School Voter Registration Since 2017, our League has been registering students to vote in social studies classrooms in Palo Alto public and independent high schools.  

In late September and early October of 2020, because of the pandemic, we made virtual voter engagement presentations to senior social studies classrooms at Palo Alto High School and to “Gunn Together Time” at Gunn High School. To fit the new virtual classroom world and respect teachers’ limited classroom minutes, we developed an “asynchronous assignment” for Paly and Gunn students to do in advance of our classroom visits, and then teamed up with teens from both schools to make virtual presentations to students.

In 2022, we have been able to return to classroom visits and have made presentations at several high local high schools including Paly, Gunn, Kehillah and Pinewood.

Interested in helping with this work? contact us!

Youth Vote Team Voter Education Videos

The Power of the Youth Vote

The Path of the Ballot

Get Inspired to Register to Vote!

League of Women Voters of Palo Alto logo