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HomeDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion

LWV Palo Alto is fully committed to the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policy set forth by LWVUS, in principle and in practice, and weaving this policy throughout our organization, our work and our actions. 

LWV DEI Policy

LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.

There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, race, native or indigenous origin, age, generation, sexual orientation, culture, religion, belief system, marital status, parental status, socioeconomic status, language, accent, ability status, mental health, educational level or background, geography, nationality, work style, work experience, job role function, thinking style, personality type, physical appearance, political perspective or affiliation and/or any other characteristic that can be identified as recognizing or illustrating diversity.
mulitcolor skin tone hands around LWV logo

dei diversity equity  inclusion graphic

LWV Palo Alto DEI Committee

Implementing DEI strategies will promote the growth of our members as well as our membership. Our League and DEI Committee are fully committed to applying a DEI Lens to our work and operations. A DEI lens is a way of examining a program, process, etc., to understand how it is perceived by a variety of communities, voices, and perspectives, in order to identify and eliminate any barriers that might prevent the equity and inclusion of everyone.

If you are interested in joining the DEI Committee and helping with this important work, please contact The Board.
Refer to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Guide by LWV of California for additional resources.
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